Extensions - Add new features to the browser.

Browser Toolbox And Browser Content ToolboxĪre small pieces of software designed to expand the functionality of.Improve Web Page/Web Application Performance.View And Run Style Sheets On A Web-page.Remove Inconsistencies With HTML, CSS And Javascript.Set Up Comodo IceDragon Sync Information.Keyboard And Mouse Shortcuts For Comodo IceDragon.Customize Applications For Opening Different File Types.Download, Install And Configure Add-ons.Configure IceDragon Performance And Browsing Settings.Configure Security Modules That Store Certificates And Passwords.Manage SSL Certificates And HTTPS Security.TLS/SSL Certificates And Secure Connections.Configure Suggestions When Entering A Website Address.Block Websites From Tracking Your Browsing Activities.Delete Browsing History And Configure History Settings.Open Recently And Most Visited Websites.