The interoperability with Java is done quite well Scala and Closure are worse in it. You can migrate existing projects from Java by starting to write new classes in Kotlin immediately. Scala kinda-sorta allows Java interop, but it’s fairly painful to work with, to the extent that the most popular Java libraries have Scala-specific wrappers written for them. In contrast, Kotlin doubles down on being a better Java, so libraries are more consistent and it can avoid many of these issues. Plus it makes it harder to standardize a team.

This means that Scala libraries and codebases often use a variety of different coding styles, and learning to work with them all can take a long time. Scala is a very multi-paradigm language that can range anywhere from being a better Java to a worse Haskell. Kotlin achieves 80% of Scala’s power with 20% of the complexity.Įspecially the collections in the standard lib are much simpler than that of Scala That’s no coincidence: Kotlin took a good look a Scala but removed the most complex/advanced & also most dangerous features (e.g. If you look a Scala and Kotlin syntax for the basic constructs you’ll see that they are almost identical.

Kotlin is intended to be a simpler Scala.

That object then only exists as a single instance. Kotlin has a keyword called object which allows us to define an object, similar to a class.Kotlin supports smart cast which is capable of handling all the redundant classes by itself.Kotlin is in many ways simpler: no primitive types, arrays are just like maps.Operator Overloading :We can redefine the purpose of the operator like arithmetic and logical operator.Nullability : Kotlin provides null safety.lambdas :Kotlin supports Lambda, we can write a function using lambda.OOP & Functional : Kotlin is an Object-oriented language and supports functional language concepts.Var :Compiler find the data type from the context of the usage during the compile time.

Static Typing : Types of variables are checked during the compile-time, which increases the performance of the language.